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But MaryAnne’s Cries For Help Fell On Deaf Ears…

As packs of wild animals and their howls could be heard getting closer by the minute…

Putting her in a life and death situation…

Does she keep reaching for help at the risk of sounding the dinner bell for every hungry predator in the area…

Or does she remain quiet until someone finds her… hoping the frigid night air wouldn’t cause her body to slip into hypothermia…

But as the moon made its way across the sky, she was convinced it would be her last time marveling at the twinkle of stars like diamonds splattered across the blackened night…

While visions of her beautiful family and all 6 of her grandchildren raced through her mind…

Praying to God that she could spend just one more holiday with them…

Instead of being out there alone, shivering for warmth…

And unable to pull herself to safety after taking a nasty spill…

But little did MaryAnne know at the time, how this life and death struggle behind her forever home in below freezing temperatures with predators circling closer, would lead to a life-saving answer for men and women over the age of 60 who are deathly afraid of falling, are prone to falling, or already have in the past…

A sleeping nerve in your foot that's responsible for over 97% of trips and falls in those over 60...

And according to the likes of Harvard and Cambridge University, this same under the radar problem in your foot that’s responsible for 28,000 deaths from falls each year in older men and women, will double your chance of taking a nasty spill that requires invasive surgery and months of rehab after a certain age…

But don’t worry friend…

Because the beauty surrounding this simple, yet life-saving 10-second ritual is that it doesn’t matter how old you are, if you’re overweight, bed ridden, have arthritis, or you’re on a laundry list of prescription medications.

This 10-second ritual will revive the dead nerve in your foot to automatically spring into action and contract the muscles in your leg to catch you.

And while you’re standing or walking, you’ll ensure the strength and stability in your lower half feels like you’re 20 all over again. So you can walk easily again and without worry.

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